Real-Life Solutions to Real-Life Problems

Going through a divorce. Facing a foreclosure. Every time he took one step forward to get things back on track, it felt like he fell two steps back. He was making progress, though. He was sure he’d be able to catch up on payments and save his house.
We’d been following up with him regularly for months, so he knew exactly who to call when his home was put up for auction through the Sheriff (read more about how this happens directly at the Warren County website here). It was a warm Friday afternoon when he called us to see if we were still interested in purchasing his home. Tony answered the phone and assured him that yes, we were still very interested in buying the house. It was at that point that we discovered the house was scheduled to hit the auction block on Monday – the upcoming Monday, only THREE days away, at 8:00A.M. sharp!
It was going to take a lot of carefully-placed moving pieces to make it happen, but we were more than ready for the challenge. We called our attorney. We put together our paperwork, met him at the property that afternoon, and got everything signed. We crossed all of our T’s and dotted all of our I’s.
> Read more about selling a house when going through a Divorce here, then give us a call! <
Tony was running up to the courthouse at 7:50A.M. that Monday with all of the necessary legal paperwork in-hand. The judge accepted, and we had bought ourselves a little more time to complete the title-work and close. We were by no means out of the woods yet, but we had completed the first (and hardest) step in the process, and we were eager to proceed.
The next snag we hit was that due to the divorce not being totally finalized, the property was still deeded to both the homeowner AND his ex-wife. We’ve handled that exact situation many times before, so we started tackling that problem after we were done at the courthouse. As it turned out, his ex-wife had left town. Actually, she had left the country entirely! The homeowner wasn’t in close contact with her anymore, so we had to track her down and get her onboard and squared away, too.
In the end, we were able to make it all work out, and created the best WIN-WIN situation we could for the homeowner, the ex-wife, and our team! Not only did the homeowner walk away with some cash from the sale to us, but he also saved his credit from taking an even bigger hit!